What Is the Primary Purpose of Penetration Testing?

Cyber-attacks are now one of the most pressing issues for large and small-scale businesses. With companies increasingly relying on different technologies, the risk of cyber threats doesn’t seem to stop. Hence, companies need to understand the importance of cybersecurity. Maintaining high levels of cybersecurity can help you control your network resources while still achieving business goals without interference. We are listed as one of the top Cyber Security Companies in USA . We offer on-demand expertise combined with the nonstop threat detection and response required to block attacks before damaging your business. What Pen Testing Is and Does The common thread is that penetration testing, sometimes called ethical hacking, identifies cyber security problems by simulating attempts to defeat safeguards. If it succeeds, a real assaulter may exploit the same weaknesses. Pen testing may work on a production system or one set aside for the testers. The tests may be automated or man...