Penetration Testing - Tools

 Organizations use penetration testing to understand how information security personnel and processes perform in the event of an attack scenario. Penetration tests most commonly simulate an attack against a network to discover weaknesses in an organization’s security posture and ensure its security team is battle-tested. Cyber Security Hive is listed among the top Web Application Penetration testing Companies in USA to defend your organization from security threats through our penetration testing services.

What is Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing is a security practice in which ethical hackers attempt to breach an organization’s systems in a controlled manner in what is known as the red team/blue team exercises. Objectives of a penetration test may include testing the procedures, readiness, and teamwork of security staff, cooperation between in-house and outsourced security providers, security vulnerabilities and gaps, security tools and defenses, and incident response processes.

There are two sides to a penetration test:

·  It is a real test that helps an organization discover its security weaknesses and remediate them.

·  It ensures security teams and tooling are up to date and battle-tested; this is extremely important since real, large-scale security incidents are rare, and attacker tools, techniques, and procedures (TTP) change over time.

Instead of waiting for a real breach to help an organization discover its weaknesses and test its security practices, a penetration test can do it controlled, allowing the organization to prepare.

Penetration tests are not limited to networks; they can also be performed against single web applications or subsets of the network or infrastructure. Here are three common variations of penetration tests:

·   Internal penetration test—the attack starts from within the network

·   External penetration test—the attack begins from outside the perimeter

· Physical penetration test—the tester gains physical access to the organization using techniques like social engineering

Cyber Security Hive is one of the top Penetration Testing Companies in UAE, with their resources focused on empowering protectors to build solid and sustainable security.

Common Penetration Testing Tools

Like attackers, penetration testers cannot do their work without automated tools. Pentesters use tools to automatically scan a website to find weak points and to carry out their simulated attack. Here are a few extremely effective tools commonly utilized in penetration tests.

 Kali Linux

Kali is a free tool developed by Offensive Security and is the most common penetration testing operating system. It can be run directly on a machine or as a virtual machine on Windows, or OS X. Kali comes with over a hundred penetration testing tools, which can facilitate information gathering, vulnerability analysis, exploitation, wireless attacks, forensics, web application attacks, stress testing, sniffing, password attacks, and more.

Burp Suite

Burp Suite is a commercial web vulnerability scanner that can determine over a hundred vulnerabilities, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and the rest of the OWASP top ten. It provides a web application crawler with a full JavaScript analysis engine and static (SAST) and dynamic code analysis (DAST) to find vulnerabilities in client-side JavaScript.


Nmap (Network Mapper) is a free tool that shows which ports are open, what's running on the ports, understanding network paths, and performing an inventory of assets on a target network. An advantage is that nmap is a legal tool normally used on organizations' networks for legitimate purposes.

John the Ripper

John the Ripper is an open-source tool that cracks encryption and carries out brute force password attacks. It will crack passwords using lists of common words in over twenty languages, custom keyword lists, and using mangling rules to try different variations of every word. It is a very robust tool that can run on a local machine for as long as needed to crack a set of passwords.

Cyber Security Hive is the number one option for high-quality Penetration Testing as a Service in India and other cybersecurity services. ThreatScan penetration testing platform helps you use their weapons against them. Utilizing an ever-growing database of exploits, you can safely simulate real-world attacks on your network to train your security team to spot and stop the real thing. ThreatScan will help you improve your pentest turnaround time, ROI, and visibility across the company security posture. Schedule a demo today and access our focused application security testing solutions. You can call us at +91 9901024214 or visit  for more information. 


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